This past Thursday was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. On this holiday, we reflect on this past year, the good and the bad. We all think about what we would like to change and how we can do better. This year, I do not necessarily want to change all of my habits at school. I want to continue to work hard in school and absorb as much information as I can. However, what I can improve upon is my overall knowledge. Afterall, that is what school is for. I am learning how to convey my thoughts as words in various essays for AP Literature class. I feel as if I have learned a lot already in this new year of school. In addition, as I reflect upon my life outside of school, I must do the same and learn how to convey my thoughts more effectively. My mom always gets mad at me about our communication. As my mom wishes, I must
learn to convey my thoughts so that she can better understand what I am trying to say and feel.

This coming year will bring many changes. I am starting senior year in the beginning, and by the end, I will be starting college. I do not know which college, but that is what makes a new year special. The questionable future, the unknown is abundant, and the possibilities are endless. I am excited to see what I make out of the year of 5771.
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