Knowledge comes in many forms. There is basic knowledge: how to brush your hair and teeth, how to speak and move, how to put your shoes on. This knowledge allows a person to perform everyday tasks and is gained through observation of those around us at a very early age. It is often taught by our parents. However, there are more complicated forms of knowledge that can alter a life in a profound way and which is unique to a person. Everyday in school students, driven by their distinct passions and interests, gain knowledge of math, english, science, and more. However, is there ever a point where this quest for knowledge gets too far?
I believe that once knowledge can harm a being, it has reached beyond its limit. This harm can be towards the seeker of knowledge himself or towards others. In the case of Frankenstein, his quest for knowledge impairs his mental sanity and the well-being of others. Because of his extended knowledge of natural philosophy, therefore allowing him to create a monster, he believes he has caused the death of loved ones.

Just finished reading Frankestien.